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Learn just how sweet salt can be

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Healing the body from the inside out, you will relax and breathe easy in this zen-like salt environment. Unwind, meditate and breathe-in naturally ionized salt air and refresh your lungs with this clarifying treatment. Wearing comfortable clothing and soft socks, all you have to do is sit back, relax and breathe in our zero gravity chairs while listening to beautiful calming music paired with aromatherapy. 

Our Salt Cave is filled floor-to ceiling with over 25,000 lbs of Himalayan Crystal Salt. Humidity is created and maintained at the optimal level of approximately 60 percent by brine graduation towers, while air temperature is exactly 69˚F, creating the unique microclimate necessary for salt ionization consistent with the healing factors of halotherapy. It’s physical presence can be seen as mini stalactites and stalagmites (secondary sedimentation) are forming on the walls and ceiling of the cave. Our cave has a high microbial cleanliness, free from fungi, pollen, dust mites and bacteria; as salt naturally inhibits their development. 

Rock salt contains 84 minerals, some of which are sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, and iodine that are released in a form of micro elementary particles of ionic aerosol to the cave’s environment. The abundance of negative ions in our cave balances the exposure of positive ions generated by electro magnetic radiation and electronic pollution of high voltage networks( Wi-Fi, computers, cell phones etc.). The ionic imbalance is an underlying cause of many health conditions.

The most important benefit of negative ions is that they clear the air of airborne allergens such as pollen, mold spores, bacteria and viruses. They reach our blood stream and are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of serotonin, helping people to alleviate depression, relive stress and boost daytime energy. The antibacterial influence of negative ions in the air has been tested in hospitals. The percentage of harmful bacteria in the air was significantly lowered causing patient wounds heal faster with shortened convalescence time. People that are exposed to negative ions indicate an increase in energy, stamina, achieving optimal weight and a decrease in blood pressure.

On the other hand, increased concentration of positive ions can cause headaches, lethargy, dizziness, nausea, depression, indigestion and irritability. It is extremely important to add negative ions into the air for optimal health, and our salt cave is the perfect space to do it. Research has proven the therapeutic values of salt caves in the treatment of various health conditions, especially respiratory disorders, allergies, cystic fibrosis, heart and cardiovascular disease, boost of immune system, increased concentration, relaxation and feeling refreshed. 

All you have to do is sit back, relax and breathe in our zero gravity chairs for your 45 minute therapeutic session.

How Does Salt Help The Respiratory Tract?

The salt cave micro-climate influences our body’s cellular osmolarity in the nasal passageways. When salt particles are inhaled, they land on the airway linings and draw water inside, thinning mucus and activating self-cleaning. Breathing becomes much easier, and people feel better almost immediately. Simultaneously, the salt crystals are absorbed into the layers of the skin and bind moisture there. The presence of sodium ions is essential for muscle contractions, including those of the most important muscle, the heart. Salt is also important for removing the acidity from brain cells, thus improving brain function.

Prepare For Your Visit

The Sweetness of Salt has created a unique micro-climate rich in minerals such as: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, bromine and iodine.

During your 45-minute therapeutic session, you will improve your health by relaxing in comfortable recliners, listening to the soothing sounds of music, and breathing air that is saturated with these beneficial minerals. The air temperature inside the Salt cave is 69˚F and the humidity is about 60%. Our crystal salt cave enhances physical and mental well-being with negatively-charged ions and salt aerosols.

1. To schedule an appointment please call us at: (484) 851-8000 or schedule online. Reservations are highly suggested. We can accept walk-ins if space allows. For children under 18, a parent or legal guardian must be present during the salt therapy session. No children under 13 will be permitted.

2. We offer public and private sessions. You will be scheduled for a public session, which can accommodate up to 6 people, unless you request a private session. 

3. Salt Cave sessions begin at the appointment time and last 45 minutes. If you are running late, we may not be able to accommodate you until the next session. Please call the spa to let us know. 

4. If you arrive late, your session will end at the originally scheduled time, so the clients following you are not penalized. If you arrive late and the salt therapy session has begun, you will need to wait until the next session begins.  

5. Shoes are not allowed in the salt cave. We provide clean socks or you can bring spare socks of your own. If you suffer from neuropathy, it may be difficult to walk on our crystal salt floor.  Please bring soft shoes. We will supply you with foot booties. 

6. The salt cave is fully ADA accessible, please let us know beforehand to best accommodate people with special needs. 

7. Electronic devices or any personal belongings are not allowed in the salt cave (with the exception of medications, if needed). We will have locked containers for your use. *The Sweetness of Salt is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. 

8. Please be quiet during group sessions as not to disturb other guests. 

9. To avoid any unnecessary disturbance, please stay in the chair during your session; you can leave the room any time if needed, but walking around the Salt Cave is not allowed during the public session. 

10. Food or drinks are not allowed in the salt cave. We provide drinking water in the waiting room. 

11. Do not  touch walls or any equipment inside the salt cave.  

12. Our chairs have a weight capacity of 300lbs. Chairs are 18″ wide and 19″ deep. For your safety and safety of others, this limit is strictly enforced. If you exceed this capacity, please let us know before your appointment and we will be happy to accommodate you with another chair to meet your needs.

14. The air temperature inside the cave is 69˚F and it might feel cold for some people. Long sleeve shirt and long pants are recommended. We also provide blankets for the comfort of our guests.


Halotherapy sessions are $35 per person for 45 minutes.

Should you wish to book a private session, a $5 charge per person will apply. 

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